Eisteddfodau and Competitions: 2024-2025

Congratulations to all the students who have taken part to Eisteddfodau and Competitions this year

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QLD piano competition

1st Prizes

Eric – Concerto Open Age


2nd Prizes

 Haru - Intermediate 14 yrs and under

Emma – 11 yrs 

 Viet Tue – 14 yrs

Frank - 12 yrs

Eric - 15-16 yrs

Eric/Frank – Two Pianos Open Age


3rd Prizes

Ethan-  Intermediate 14 yrs and under

Emma/Leo – Duets 14 yrs and under

Tue Anh  - 13 yrs

Mia – 8 yrs

Rio - 15-16 yrs


Highly Commended

Hana – 14 yrs

Andrew 15-16 yrs

Sydney Eisteddfod

Rio - Semi-finals Kawai Junior Scholarship


1st Prize

Emma - Recital Award (11 yrs and under)


2nd Prizes

Rui - 20th/21st Century (9 yrs)

Emma -  20th/21st Century (11 and 12 yrs)

Eric - Chopin 15yrs and under


3rd Prizes

Rui -  18th Century (9 yrs)

Leo - Recital Award (11 yrs and under)


Highly Commended

Rui -  19th Century (9 yrs)

Emma  - 20th/21st Century (11 and 12 yrs)

Eric - Recital Award 15-16 yrs

Gold Coast Eisteddfod


Hana - Most Promising Pianist

Eric - Juanita Wood Award (for most outstanding item presented in piano)


1st Prizes

Mia - Grade 5

Haru - 8 yrs

Haru - Grade 4

Frank - 12 yrs

Hana - 13-15 yrs

Rio - Licentiate Diploma

Eric - Intermediate Championship 14-15 yrs


2nd Prizes

Mia - 8 yrs

Hana - Baroque 15 yrs and under

Eric - 13 -15 yrs


3rd Prizes

Tue Anh - Certificate of Performance


Very Highly Commended

Charlotte - Grade 5

Julia - Grade 4

Julia - 9 yrs

Charlotte - 10 yrs

Charlotte - non-Classical 11yrs and under

Rio - Intermediate Championship 14-15 yrs


Highly Commended

Frank - Certificate of Performance

Haru and Mia - Duet 10 yrs and under

Brisbane Boys Grammar piano competition

1st Prize

Leo - Advance A 

1st Prize


2nd Prize -

Eric - Piano Concerto

Eric Advance A 


Highly Commended

Frank - 13 yrs


Distinguished achiever - HSC music
- Band 6 for HSC Music 2
- Band 6 for HSC Music Extension
- Nominated for Encore concert (the most outstanding HSC performances in music)
- Selected for Reserve list of performers for Encore concert
- Selected to perform in Bravissimo concert (outstanding HSC performances)


1st Prize - Brisbane Girls Grammar School (Wight Memorial Medal for Piano)

1st Prize - Grand Prize Virtuoso International Competition, Barcelona, Junior Category

1st Prize - Golden Classical Music Awards International Competition, New York


Recipient of the AMEB Joyce Phillips Award


1st Prize - Talent Show, Kenmore South State School

Redlands Eisteddfod


Leo - Most Promising Pianist


1st Prizes

Frank - 12 yrs

Yoshiharu - 8 yrs

Mason - Grade 2

Yoshiharu - Grade 4

Frank - Certificate of Performance

Emma/Leo - Duet 10 yrs and under

Leo - Baroque 10 yrs and under

Rui - Championship 13 yrs and under

Rio - Baroque 15 and under

Eric - Baroque 14 yrs and over


2nd Prizes

Jade - 13 yrs

Eric - 14 yrs and over

Mia Shumann - 8 yrs

Ethan - 8 yrs

Mason - Jazz/Pop/Latin 8 yrs

Mia Shumann - Grade 5

Leo - Championship 13 yrs and under

Eric - Open Championship


3rd Prizes

Tue Anh - 12 yrs

Mason - 8 yrs

Yoshiharu - Jazz/Pop/Latin 8 yrs

Leonie - AMus Dilpoma

Rio - Baroque 14 yrs and over


Highly Commended

Leonie - 14 yrs and over

Julia - 9 yrs

Ella - 10 yrs

Charlotte - 10 yrs

Ethan - Grade 4

Julian - Grade 4

Charlotte - Grade 5

Xianzhe  - Grade 5

Joshua - Baroque 14 yrs and over

Rio - Open Championship

Joshua - Open Championship

Rui - Junior Concerto 13 yrs and under



Ella - Grade 5

Cinnia - Grade 6

Eric - Open Concerto

QLD Eisteddfod

1st Prizes

Leo - Piano Championship Open Age
Emma - Quick Study


2nd Prizes

Rio - Australian Composer


3rd Prizes

Emma - Instrumental Sonata Open age

Rio - Piano Championship

Emma/Leo - Duets
Leo - Quick Study